Many people look at deregulation as very negative and in some ways it is. If you think about it, deregulation is capitalism, and capitalism is a big part of what makes the United States different from Socialist countries. It's really a big part of what makes America the "Land of Opportunity".

Whether you agree with it or not, it is here and I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. So, instead of complaining and doing nothing about it, why don't we complain and try to to control the part of energy that we can, our electricity and the efficiency of our homes. Here are a few tips that I have found to help my electricity bill. The list is short, but I am hoping that others will read this and add to my list and maybe we can all help each other to save on our electricity bill.

1) If your home is a bit older and could use some help in the way of efficiency, try this free service. The Texas Government requires that energy companies pay for this service in order to help decrease the per kilowatt hour usage her in Texas. It's a service that test your home for air loss and HVAC efficiency for free. They will help to seal gaps that are causing air loss and if you qualify, simply be stating that you have financial need they will replace all of your current light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs, and you even get to keep your old bulbs. The company is FLC or Free Lighting Corporation and thei web site is www.FreeLightingCorp.com. Check it out and tell everyone you know. Just make sure to tell them that you heard about it at AskOzzie.com.

2) Find an electricity provider that is giving you better rates. The internet is an amazing to shop and compare. Make sure that you get a fixe rate, not a fluctuating month to month rate. It looks so good when you sign up because it starts off so low, but it creeps up and eventually your electricity bill will be out of control like mine was. Be weary of companies that are giving really low rate, locked in for more than one year. Many of the companies that have offered a low, locked in rate for two years have found themselves in financial trouble and have been forced to go otu of business, leaving their customers scrambling to find a new energy provider. I suggest Ambit Energy, not only because I am a Marketing Consultant for Ambit and I sell their products, but because I use their products and they have seved me lots of money. Not to mention, they give great vacation rewards, just for paying yoru electricity bill. For more information visit www.AskOzzie.JoinAmbit.com.

3) Once you find a fixed rate and a company that satisfies you make sure to use these tips to keep the savings coming. Try to make sure that you are searching for electricity in the right season. Electricity rates typically rise in the summer and fall in the winter. So, shopping rates in the winter and locking in your rate in the winter is often a smart idea. Once you sign your ocntract and have committed to the electric provider make sure to keep track of when your contract (locked rate) expires. Many times the electric provider will not notify when your current contract is over because afte the contract is over you automatically go on a month to month program and that means your rate will begin to fluctuate (usually they tend to fluctuate in the upward direction - I don't know why).

Hopefully these tips will help you in the future. Even if these tips save one person money in the future, then AskOzzie.com can be considered a success.

Be sure to check out rates on www.AskOzzie.JoinAmbit.com. Sign up, save money, and start earning reward points that could get you free electricity, or a choice of some wonderful vacation packages. Automatically, by signing up you will receive a 3 day/2 night hotel package of your choice (3 star hotel located in 1 of 12 popular vacation destinations, including Palm Beach, Las Vegas, and San Antonio).


Meet the blogger:

My name is Ozzie Ramirez, I am a licensed REALTOR® and the founder of AskOzzie.com. I work in real estate everyday. It is my profession, and my livelihood, and I try my best to keep this site up to date with the most current issues regarding the Pearland and Greater Houston Real Estate Markets. Hopefully this web site will help to educate you and help make your next real estate transaction a more positive one. Feel free to contact our staff at Capital Trust Realty and AskOzzie.com if you have unanswered questions, comments or if you would like to enlist the help of a licensed real estate professional.

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